Thursday 8 March 2012

Some good reading site

Here's a site on Augmented Reality in Education but i find it very informative.
You can find out on different types of AR and how can it be used.

Will add more when i come across any interesting site.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Augmented reality makes Thundercats packaging way cooler than the toys themselves

What happens when the toy packaging becomes more exciting than the toy itself? It's an interesting experiment that's now seeing the light of day courtesy of Bandai's new Thundercats and Ben 10 toys, which come to life through a smartphone screen via Aurasma's augmented reality. The company promises that the packages help kids "examine every part of the toy before purchase." That's important. And hey, so's setting them up for a lifetime of disappointment. 

So we are keeping the boxes?


Simple AR

With each new augmented reality app we get the vision of a digitally enhanced world a little closer. Our know-how with different technologies and devices helps our customers their own goals. It can not only develop new apps, but also existing applications to be expanded AR feature.
Variety of ways
With the implementation of an augmented reality app's they are much freer in their choice of feature than for the case AR browsers. Here are some examples right here on our site. We are happy to advise you prior to the implementation details and complete with conceptual ideas with our know-how.

Ergonomidesign - The Future of Integrated Health Care 2015

Ergonomidesign, a leading design consultancy firm, has revealed what the future of health care system may look like. A team of researchers from the firm have created a new system that combines the emerging trends in technology, life and health science, and social networking. Much of the system makes use of augmented reality technology to handle high detail displays of information. The physical aspects of the system use NFC technology as a way to enable quick communications between patients and health care professionals. To see the firm’s creation, it looks more like science fiction than anything else, but Ergonomidesign claims that this system could be in place as soon as 2015.

In the U.S. the health care system is already poised to become electronic. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 set the framework for this new system and both the medical and insurance industry have been working to adapt. Ergonomidesign has taken the whole deal a step further, using cutting-edge technology to make the system more intuitive and dynamic.

The company’s idea revolves around augmented reality, NFC technology and small, real-time sensors attached to people’s skin. These sensors can track the health of those wearing them. Doctors can download the information contained in these sensors using NFC-enabled devices. The sensors have been given the name “miniME” and could become very popular in the health care community. The company believes that the system could be widely used by 2015, if the health industry were inclined to embrace technology.

AR in puzzle

In 1766 the puzzle was invented in England and has produced to date few variants, such as 3D puzzle, puzzle balls or sculpture puzzle. So far, the pleasure was all over after laying of the last puzzle piece. As a "puzzle of the future" is now the new augmented reality puzzle at the Nuremberg Toy Fair were described.
Augmented Reality offers value-added content
As of now the fun continues with iPad iPhone ® or ® in augmented reality further. After discovering the puzzle puzzles puzzle motif tailored specifically to the contents and thus experience a new dimension. The product "puzzle" is enhanced by the new technology and sets out from the competition.
Augmented Reality provides wow factor
Each puzzle is unique and offers the users a new interactive experience. The Paris-motif starts a 360 degree view and put the puzzle on the top of the Eiffel Tower. The user rotates around its own axis and discovered the attractions of the French capital. The design includes an underwater search game against the clock. One of the fishes of the subject will be digitally brought to life and must be found in the puzzle. When African-motif of the puzzle goes on safari and see videos of the animals shown. In the Norwegian Lofoten motif controls the weather and the user turns the puzzle interactively in a winter landscape.

Monday 27 February 2012

Augmented Reality

Orange Carton Augmented Reality
The print on the orange carton act as a marker for the AR. 
The out come of the AR are two 3D children character jumping around the orange carton and the user can interact with the character and the environment. 

Create by String- they are further developing for their own demo purposes. 
String is also coming up with a different platform which is the android platform. 
They are still in the developement process. Not sure when it will be release.